Matthew Mountford-Brock

Name: Matthew Mountford-Brock
Candidate Number: 6157

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

'Smokin' Aces' Opening Credits Storyboard

Box 1 shows which company funded the movie alongside a shot which gives the viewer a taste of the movie's theme.

Box 2 shows which media company was used alongside a shot of someone's expression which may be vital later in the movie.

Box 3 shows which company produced the movie alongside a shot of a man who may be vital in the movie.

Box 4 shows the movie's title in a bold and creative font which fits the movie's theme.

Box 5 shows a leading actor's name and a picture which resembles his character in the movie.

Box 6 shows a leading actress' name and a picture which resembles her character in the movie.

Box 7 shows a list of supporting actors alongside a shot which resembles the type of scene that will be in the movie.

Box 8 shows the producer's name alongside a shot of the movie world and its inhabitants.

Box 9 shows whose movie it is with a picture of a man who could resemble the real life person or could resemble a vital character in the movie.


  1. Thanks Didier, but don't comment on this, it's my school work, i'll talk to you later on Twitter. Safe.
