Matthew Mountford-Brock

Name: Matthew Mountford-Brock
Candidate Number: 6157

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Comparing Two Opening Sequences


Sound: The non-diagetic music used in the opening sequence of 'Kidulthood' is a steady beat, which fits in well with the theme of the movie and lasts throughout the sequence. The diagetic sound includes a drill being used by Trevor to construct a gun and general conversations in the playground.
Mise-en-scene: The characters are all dressed to fit in with the theme. The opening scene is in a high school so everyone is wearing the uniform. The high school setting means it is filled with many people.
Narrative: The main character, Trevor is constructing and hiding a gun, meanwhile Sam is being hostile to people in the playground and asking questions and finally, some random white guy is handing out invitations to a party.
Camera shots: The sequence uses extreme close ups when Trevor is constructing the gun and also close ups are used to show the concentrated look in his eye. An establishing, high angle shot is used in the playground to show its size and all the people.
Aim: The aim of the opening sequence is to establish the theme of the movie. The opening scene hints that the movie will involve violence with the gun being constructed and Sam behaving in an aggressive manner. The scene also establishes the fact that the characters will be mostly high school students. There is some enigma because the viewer is not made aware of why Sam is being aggressive and why Trevor is constructing a gun and whether the two actions are linked.

Silence of the Lambs

Sound: The non-diagetic sound is slow background music which helps build tension. The diagetic sound includes the woman's footsteps as she runs.
Mise-en-scene: The woman is wearing a casual/sport sweatshirt which shows that the situation is nothing special at first sight. The setting is a dull, forrest filled with obstacles.
Narrative: A woman is running through a forrest in a fast tempo fashion and an FBI officer is there and provides her with some information.
Camera shots: A longshot is used at first which shows the forrest and then the shot pans down. A low angled shot is used as the woman moves towards the shot. A tracking shot is then used as the woman continues to run. As she goes through obstacles the camera pans around her. When she meets the FBI officer a close up is used to show his facial expression as the camera zooms on him. The camera zooms in on the woman at the end before gory images are shown.
Aim: The aim of the sequence is to produce some enigma as the viewer does not initially know why the woman is running and tension is also built by the slow music to intrigue the viewer, and make them want to watch the rest of the movie.

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